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Committees: Find Your Niche

Becoming a Leader

BOMA Greater Dallas Committees are Leadership Training programs. True, as a Committee Member you are a volunteer at one of the biggest BOMA’s in the world and most fun associations in DFW; thus, you are making things happen. You attend meetings. You go to events. You work with other BOMA Members. But, Committee Members are so much more – they are learning how to be better managers of people, projects, and money. Through Committee work, you become better at your job.

That’s what BOMA Greater Dallas does – we help you:

Committee Memberships Helps You Hone & Learn

  Leadership Skills
  Managing People
  Customer Service
  Creating RFPs
  Building a Team
What is a Committee?

The Board of Directors establishes or dismantles Committees of BOMA Greater Dallas based on the Board’s perceived needs, coupled with the goals of the Board. Committees focus on particular areas of BOMA oversight & success on behalf of the Board and for the Board.

Committees do not have authority in and of themselves. Their purpose is to research, brainstorm, monitor, and debate among themselves then present carefully crafted ideas, plans, proposals, and solutions to the Board for consideration. A motion must pass at the Committee level before its Board Liaison for that Committee will carry the motion to the Board for consideration. Once passed by the Board, said motion becomes a BOMA Greater Dallas directive, event, program, policy, etc. which is then presented to the Executive Director to be executed by BOMA staff.

The Committee Chair is appointed for an “Association year” by the Board to serve during the upcoming Association year (March 1st through the last day of February). Each appointment of Committee Chair must be ratified by the Board of Directors before becoming official. Committees also have Vice Chairs who perform the role of Secretary (take minutes of the meetings) and assist the Committee Chair. The Vice Chair is heir-apparent to the Committee; meaning, if they do a good job and work hard, they will be the Committee Chair of that Committee the following Association year. Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs serve in their positions for one year.

How Do I Join a Committee?

Most BOMA Greater Dallas Committees are OPEN Committees. Some are CLOSED Committees which have additional rules or criteria to participate.

Since BOMA Members are passionate and excited about their association, each Committee has a Waitlist of Members waiting their turn to serve. Although you, as a Member, can be on as many Waitlists for as many Committees as you want, you can only be on one Committee. What’s more, if you are offered a position on a Committee with a need and turn it down (you are too busy, you would prefer another Committee instead, you don’t like when they meet, etc.) you will go to the bottom of ALL COMMITTEE WAITLISTS. So, choose the Committees on which you wish to serve carefully. Only join the Waitlist if you plan to serve when called upon.

Each Committee has its own Real Estate and Allied Waitlist. Click on the buttons below to learn more about each Committee and/or to join its Waitlist.

Awards Committee (AwardCom)

The Awards Committee manages the BOMA Greater Dallas Lone Star Awards and The Outstanding Building of the Year (TOBY) Awards as well as planning and executing the Annual Awards banquet & ceremony. The Awards Committee is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the awards process, including award requirements, process for submission, and judging of categories.

Executive Committee (ExCom)

Consisting of BOMA’s Officers, this is the most elite & prestigious Committee of BOMA Greater Dallas. This Committee may take action on behalf of the Board when the Board is not in session. The Committee's primary duty is to determine if issues are 'ripe' for Board consideration as they prepare the Board meeting agenda. The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Executive Director.

Government Affairs Committee (GAC)

Many Members argue that the GAC is the most important thing that BOMA Greater Dallas does. Whether you study the History of Associations or review Our History, the origination of BOMA Greater Dallas and the Association model is clear – for businesses to band together. The purpose for associating, and BOMA, they would argue, is to defend business from governmental attack and encroachment. One unarguable fact is that BOMA Greater Dallas was founded in 1947 for Members to stand united for Government Affairs.

Membership Committee (MbrCom)

The Membership Committee is charged with monitoring BOMA Greater Dallas Membership. It develops and implements plans for increasing Membership in all Membership Types.

Networking Committee (NetworkCom)

BOMA Greater Dallas holds a number of social events designed to encourage interaction among Members, support the association’s core value of networking, and provide value for all Members. Networking is part of our slogan “Advocacy.  Education.  Networking.” The four annual Networking events usually create the fondest memories and greatest stories; thus, they usually SELL OUT. These events also provide a source of non-dues revenue for the association and a forum for Allied Members to reach Real Estate Members. Current events include: Dart Tournament, Bowling Tournament, Sporting Clay Tournament, and Golf Tournament.

Trade Show Committee (TradeCom)

The BOMA Greater Dallas Trade Show was established to provide a forum for Allied Members to network with Real Estate Members and to provide a source of non-dues revenue for the association. The organization seeks to produce a show that: provides value to those companies that participate as exhibitors, operates in a manner that is fair and consistent to all exhibitors promotes BOMA & its Members in a positive manner, and adheres to national trade show industry standards. The Trade Show Committee oversees all aspects of the Trade Show and produces an event that follows association policies & procedures, industry protocol and local, state, & federal laws.

Endowment Committee (EndowCom)

The Endowment Committee is the fundraising arm of the BOMA Dallas Foundation which delivers educational content through webinars, seminars, speeches, and designation courses to the Commercial Real Estate industry. The EndowCom plans, prepares, decorates, and hosts the Charity Ball, the Foundation's biggest and most popular fundraiser of the year.

Education Committee (EdCom)

Education is a BOMA Greater Dallas core value and part of our slogan “Advocacy.  Education.  Networking.”. The Education Committee deliberates and decides the education designed for professional enhancement throughout the Association Year. The Committee determines topics, format, location, speakers / presenters, and budget for each of educational offerings. This is also the Committee that develops, oversees, and manages the education scholarships. Each year, the BOMA Dallas Foundation awards approximately $10,000 to Commercial Real Estate professional to continue their education growth in the industry.

Engineer Committee (EngCom)

The Engineering Committee is charged with providing stellar programming and events for those Members who provide building engineering services to the Commercial Real Estate industry. The Committee decides the number of programs needed each year, on what topics, the best speakers / presenters to convey the knowledge, and format for delivering it. Through their efforts and recruitment, our Engineer Members continue to grow in number each year.