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BOMA Foundation Education Committee

The Committee's Purpose...

Education is a BOMA Greater Dallas core value and part of our slogan “Advocacy.  Education.  Networking.”. The Education Committee (EdCom) deliberates and decides the education designed for professional enhancement throughout the Association Year. The Committee determines topics, format, location, speakers / presenters, and budget for each of educational offerings.

This is also the Committee that develops, oversees, and manages the education scholarships. Each year, the BOMA Dallas Foundation awards approximately $10,000 to Commercial Real Estate professional to continue their education growth in the industry.

Although, we build an education component into almost every event, the Education Committee plans, creates, designs, manages, and works eight annual Education events each year which are usually focused on hard skills. The Committee also assists with determining the BOMI designation / certification course offered each year.

These events also provide a source of non-dues revenue for the association / foundation and a forum for Allied Members to reach Real Estate Members.

Events planned for 2025 include: Certifications for Your Building, Designation Course: Managing the Organization, Tea Party, Landscaping & Roofing Fundamentals, Designation Course: Boilers, Heating Systems, and Applied Mathematics, Tea Party, MOB Tour & Mixer, Construction 101: The Start to Finish Guide, CRE & BOMA Trivia Game, Course: Foundations of Real Estate Management, and Holiday Breakfast. To learn more about the Education Committee's scheduled events, click the corresponding event graphic below.

Click below to join the

Education Committee Waitlist!


**Although Members can sign up for as many Committee Waitlists as you choose, Board Policy limits all Members to serving on only one Committee or Council at a time.

Because of the high demand, if your name is on a Committee Waitlist and you decline to join that Committee when invited, you move to the bottom of ALL Committee Waitlists.

Thus, only add your name to the Committee Waitlist(s) on which you truly would like to serve.

Education Committee Chair

Teddy Smith - Blue Backdrop Headshot - 03.10.25

Ted Smith

Business Development Manager

Kastle Systems of Texas

The Committee Chair is responsible for the overall leadership and management of the Committee. Though a Committee Chair may appoint Committee Members to oversee particular tasks or certain events; all tasks, events, and responsibilities of the Committee ultimately are the responsibility of the Committee Chair.

Committee Chairs also prepare all meeting agendas, run all meetings, manage the annual Committee budget, and ensure that all Committee responsibilities are being addressed and fulfilled.

The position of Committee Chair is considered a high honor in BOMA and is thus considered a BOMA Leader.

Committee Vice Chairs assist Committee Chairs to complete their duties and step in for the Chair when the Chair is unavailable. Vice Chairs are the heir-apparent for the role of Chair the following year; though, such appointment is not guaranteed.

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Vice Chair

Courtney Kueblerb5

Courtney Kuebler

Board Liaison

Christian D. Malesic d

Christian Malesic, MBA, CAE, CMP, IOM

Staff Liaison