BOMA Government Affairs Committee
The Committee's Purpose...
Many Members argue that the Government Affairs Committee (GAC) is the most important thing that BOMA Greater Dallas does. Government, Politics, and Advocacy is part of our slogan “Advocacy. Education. Networking.”
Whether you study the History of Associations or review Our BOMA History, the origination of BOMA Greater Dallas and the Association model is clear – for businesses to band together. The purpose for associating, and BOMA, they would argue, is to defend business from governmental attack and encroachment. One unarguable fact is that BOMA Greater Dallas was founded in 1947 for Members to stand united for Government Affairs.
The GAC meets with legislators, elected officials, regulators, and staff regularly plus manages the Dallas contingent of Texas BOMA Advocacy Day in odd numbered years.
Click below to join the Government Affairs Committee Waitlist!
**Although Members can sign up for as many Committee Waitlists as you choose, Board Policy limits all Members to serving on only one Committee or Council at a time.
Because of the high demand, if your name is on a Committee Waitlist and you decline to join that Committee when invited, you move to the bottom of ALL Committee Waitlists.
Thus, only add your name to the Committee Waitlist(s) on which you truly would like to serve.
Government Affairs Committee Chair

Kathleen Morgan, CMCP
Assistant Property Manager
Lincoln Property Company
The Committee Chair is responsible for the overall leadership and management of the Committee. Though a Committee Chair may appoint Committee Members to oversee particular tasks or certain events; all tasks, events, and responsibilities of the Committee ultimately are the responsibility of the Committee Chair.
Committee Chairs also prepare all meeting agendas, run all meetings, manage the annual Committee budget, and ensure that all Committee responsibilities are being addressed and fulfilled.
The position of Committee Chair is considered a high honor in BOMA and is thus considered a BOMA Leader.
Committee Vice Chairs assist Committee Chairs to complete their duties and step in for the Chair when the Chair is unavailable. Vice Chairs are the heir-apparent for the role of Chair the following year; though, such appointment is not guaranteed.

Elizabeth McDowell, CMCP
Vice Chair

Regina McClendon, MBA, RPA
Board Liaison

Christian Malesic, MBA, CAE, CMP, IOM
Staff Liaison