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Allied Waitlist

Join the Allied Waitlist NOW!: Membership Types - BOMA Greater Dallas

We certainly appreciate your consideration to join BOMA Greater Dallas. The strength and popularity of the organization has caused there to be a Waitlist to become an Allied Member; but, there are ways to jump the line!

We know how frustrating it can be waiting on a list to become an Allied Member of BOMA Greater Dallas. As you can imagine, Membership is so valuable to our Allieds because of the plentiful benefits they receive from it. This is why most Allieds are incredibly loyal, staying Members for many, many years.


Why is there a Waitlist?

Our 60-40 ratio of 60% Commercial Real Estate Professionals to 40% Allied Members is the culprit behind the Waitlist. Thinking of BOMA as a business itself, this just doesn’t make sense – why would we purposefully limit our customer base and, thus, the dues, event, and sponsorship revenue associated with it? The answer is clear – we are not primarily focused on BOMA as a business, though running a tight ship is very important to our Board and staff. Instead, we focus on our Members. Maintaining such a strict ratio has much to do with the success and popularity of BOMA. When an Allied Member comes to an event, sits at a lunch table, or joins a Committee, they find themselves enjoying the company of, sitting with, or working beside a majority of Commercial Real Estate professionals not just a bunch of other Allieds all trying to vie for the attention of the nearest Commercial Real Estate Professional that walks by.

Being on the Allied Waitlist offers Benefits over non-members


Join the Allied Waitlist NOW!: Membership Types - BOMA Greater Dallas


Only Allied Waitlisters become BOMA Members? – If being a Member of BOMA is your goals, the first step is to join the Allied Waitlist. Whether you take your turn in line; or, skip the line though Fast Pass or Partnership, you must first start with the Waitlist.


BOMA Communication – Several times during the year, BOMA send special communications to those on the Allied Waitlist about events, sponsorships, opportunities or ways to skip the line.


Start Your Involvement – Though the Allied Waitlist does not have the same opportunities as Members, you can still get a booth at the Trade Show and attend or sponsor the Fun Run and/or the Masquerade Ball.


Sponsor an Event – Since Allied Waitlisters are not Members, you do not get first look to sponsor our ever-popular events. However, BOMA does open remaining sponsorships to the Allied Waitlist 30-days in advance of the event.


Get a Team – Interest in a Darts, Golf, Bowling, or Sporting Clays team? Since Allied Waitlisters are not Members, you do not get first look to purchase a team to our fastest selling networking events. However, BOMA does open remaining team spots to the Allied Waitlist 30-days in advance of the event.


Trade Show Booth Discounts and Selection Preference – The only event open to non-members all year is the purchasing a booth at the Trade Show. Being on the Allied Waitlist grants you discounts over the non-member and booth location selection before non-members.

Join the Allied Waitlist NOW!: Membership Types - BOMA Greater Dallas

Please call the Membership Department at the BOMA Greater Dallas office at (214) 744-9020 or email discuss why YOU should be a Member of BOMA.